Why Should A Candle Manufacturer Go For A Custom Candle Box

What are candles?

A candle is a flammable wick (a loosely woven cord) embedded in wax or other ignitable solid substances such as tallow that gives light on combustion. In some cases these candles are made of different materials which provide light along with fragrance. Candles are often used to provide heat and sometimes used as a time reminder.

The candle makers were called chandler but now with the advancement of everything different candle holders have been developed ranging from simple table top candle holder to fancy ones.

How they work?

A heat source is required for candle burning; usually a naked flame which lights up the candle’s wick and gradually melts away the solid wax part by vaporizing it.

How they used to work?

In ancient ages, people used oil lamps which is a lit wick dipped in a liquid oil container. Romans were the ones who started using true dipped candles from tallow, which started around 500 BC.

In modern era, candle making reached at the level of industry and mass making by the time of 19th century and in 1834 an English pewterer invented a machine for candle making which brought a revolution in this industry. By this time different modifications came into existence, for instance usage of fashion wicks out of tightly braided cotton strands instead of old simple ones and these modifications brings about in characteristics of candles as their wicks curl after burning and maintaining the flame and light etc.

Old Usage of Candles

Usage of candles were the basic light source for many centuries and even by the time of 20th century, Candles were used commonly in North Europe whereas in South Europe and Mediterranean Oil lamps predominated over candles.

Candles Now

And now in current era, candles are used mainly for aesthetic values, their different scents and fancy looks. Precisely these are used to set a warm, kind and romantic environment or for emergencies during light breakout or power failures. But candles have always been a very prominent part of religious and ritual purposes.

Display Boxes

Now a days everything is all about presentation, from the smallest object to a skyscraper; everyone is doing their best to exhibit all the good aspects of a product. Even the tiniest things are being presented in such a detailed way to make it eye catching. Display boxes are an amazing invention to enhance the creativity and uniqueness of small products.

We use different materials and ways for packaging products and display box is one of the forms which is more than just functional as it is considered and intended to be decorative and artistic. It’s the best way for promotional activities at both private and commercial level.

What are they?

Display boxes are a need of this age because they increase spontaneous buying of any product and usually they are very beautiful and breathe taking, coming in different colors and they are very tempting.

But just like everything, Candle display boxes have a huge variety in fact there are different types in which they are being manufactured for items. Most common types are; Counter top display, floor display, power wings and endcaps.

And when it comes to choosing a product, you are not sure about which one you should choose, you better determine that which type can meet the demands of your product.

How are they being made?

Candle boxes have been a need from ancient times because whenever it came to expressing your sentiments and gratitude, these boxes are there to help you.
Candle display boxes were used traditionally just for promotional and seasonal purposes and they used to be made from sturdy paperboard or corrugated fiberboard. Usually they have a base and a separable lid, which are made by using a die cutting process which is the way to cut the board in desired shape and size. Further on this box is supposed to be further decorated with different decorative items, gift packaging material such as ribbons and colorful gift paper.

Now a days there are many ways in which these candle boxes are being made and they range from simple corrugated boxes to customized one.

Corrugated boxes:

A corrugated box which is used for candles is basically made up of corrugated fiberboard. Most commonly these one are best suited for the purpose of transporting and storage, when candles are being distributed. These sheets are also used as Candle packaging boxes.

Folding boxes

Folding carton which is usually called a box is made up of paperboard. It is the basic root from where current trend of customized candle boxes emerged. These paperboard based boxes are consist of a folding paperboard which is cut in a way that upon folding it becomes a very rigid and pressure bearing box.

Handmade boxes

One of the creative DIY ways are handmade boxes which are being made from household items for instance ice cream sticks and then different add-ons are added upon them from same household items such as buttons, ribbons, laces and twinkles etc.

Customized boxes:

We are in era where everything is needed to be customized and because of intense and heavily versatile variety it has become difficult to keep up with the rising competition. That’s why we need customizable candle boxes and as well as customizable candle packages for the safe and sound delivery of items.
This necessity brought us to the age of customization, from candles boxes to cars and furniture; everything is being customized as per need and passion.

There are few key points that every customizable candle box should have:

  • Custom Sizes should be available in different customizable sizes and shapes along with colors.
  • Stocks should be always enough that if someone is into ordering in bulk, one should not be sweaty upon it.
  • Finishing options should be mentioned beforehand to help customer in choosing what he really wants.
  • Add on choices for example foiling of metals, embossing, decorative items, raised ink; should be given to choose.
  • Structure should be easy to assemble and carry so that delivery is convenient and not disturbing.
  • 100% Price and Quality Guarantee

How boxes impresses customers and increase sale?

Customized candle boxes is the way in which you can get satisfaction that you are getting whatever you have on your mind. Whenever you gift someone a candle box, it leaves a lasting effect on your beloveds. Fancy looking candle boxes which are designed with passion and then printed these mesmerizing boxes make your items not just tempting for you but also for the one who is receiving that gift.

Now a days candles are used for showing affection and sentiments at different occasions and places. Either it is on commercial level or private level. So, keeping that in mind customized candle boxes are the precise thing they need because it fulfills their needs and they can choose very easily that what kind of candle with which fragrance and appearance of bagged packaged goods following occasional and seasonal themes, they are looking for.

A display box enhance the quality and beautification of a candle, making it attractive for everyone who lays their eyes upon it, may it be used to gift someone, decorate your home or sell custom made; these boxes surely make the candles picture perfect.

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