How to Draw A Football Helmet Easily

How to Draw A Football Helmet. The football helmet is an indispensable piece of equipment when playing football. It is designed to protect the player’s head to avoid injury.

Also, check our cats coloring sheet.

You’ve come to the correct location if you love sports and drawing! Drawing major sports equipment is key to drawing much more complex sports drawings.

Who knows? Soon you’ll be able to draw an entire soccer field with players passing the ball!

We’ve created a step-by-step guide to drawing a helmet, summarized in 9 quick and easy steps.

Each guide has an illustration to make the steps much easier to follow. The beauty of this tutorial is that you can customize the football helmet any way you want!

Have fun, and use your artistic skills!

How to Draw A Football Helmet

Step 1

Begin by drawing the body of the football helmet (or what is known as the shell).

Draw an irregular circular shape to represent the body or shell of the helmet.

It’s time to add the football helmet face mask.

Draw various curved, horizontal, and diagonal lines to represent the face mask.

Step 2

It’s time to add the football helmet face mask.

Draw various curved, horizontal, and diagonal lines to represent the face mask.

This time we will add the face mask holder and the remaining face mask parts from our football helmet.

To do this, use curved and diagonal lines.

Step 3

This time we will add the face mask holder and the remaining face mask parts from our football helmet.

To do this, use curved and diagonal lines.

The football helmet is taking shape! It’s time to make it more realistic by adding more football helmet details (e.g. helmet outline, face mask mounting clip and face mask holder).

To do this, use curved and diagonal lines.

Step 4

The football helmet is taking shape! It’s time to make it more realistic by adding more football helmet details (e.g. helmet outline, face mask mounting clip and face mask holder).

To do this, use curved and diagonal lines.

This is a continuation of the previous step. Add more detail to the football helmet by outlining the helmet or cheek pad on the left side of the helmet.

To do this, use curved lines. Feel free to use the illustration as a guide to ensure you get it right!

Step 5

This is a continuation of the previous step. Add more detail to the football helmet by outlining the helmet or cheek pad on the left side of the helmet.

To do this, use curved lines. Feel free to use the illustration as a guide to ensure you get it right!

Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the football helmet. This forms the cheek pad on the right side of the football helmet.

The football helmet is almost done. Keep it up!

Step 6

Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the football helmet. This forms the cheek pad on the right side of the football helmet.

The football helmet is almost done. Keep it up!

Now let’s add more details to the football helmet.

Add more pads or liners by drawing curved lines to represent them.

Step 7

Now let’s add more details to the football helmet.

Add more pads or liners by drawing curved lines to represent them.

In this step, you will start personalizing the football helmet.

They add a curved line connecting the back of the helmet shell and the face mask attachment clip.

Step 8

In this step, you will start personalizing the football helmet.

They add a curved line connecting the back of the helmet shell and the face mask attachment clip.

This is a continuation of Step 8. We’ll add a star shape large enough to customize the football helmet shell further.

Now it’s finally time to bring the football helmet to life with different colours!

As you can see in the picture, we added white, red and shades of grey to make the football helmet colourful!

You can colour the football helmet according to your favourite football team or create a unique helmet with custom colours. Either way, we’re sure the colours will turn out gorgeous!

Have fun playing with colours, and watch the football helmet finally come to life!

Step 9

This is a continuation of Step 8. We’ll add a star shape large enough to customize the football helmet shell further.

Now it’s finally time to bring the football helmet to life with different colours!

As you can see in the picture, we added white, red and shades of grey to make the football helmet colourful!

You can colour the football helmet according to your favourite football team or create a unique helmet with custom colours. Either way, we’re sure the colours will turn out gorgeous!

Have fun playing with colours, and watch the football helmet finally come to life!

Your Football Helmet Drawing is Finished!

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