We’ve known for a long time that the oxytocin hormone makes us happy. It encourages mental health and increases sexual drive in individuals! The hypothalamus, a tiny region of the brain, produces oxytocin, a little nine-amino acid peptide hormone or neuropeptide.
During love, passion, and labor, the hormone takes part in a variety of physiological and pathological functions. The “love hormone,” “bonding hormone,” or “cuddle hormone” are typical names for oxytocin.
To naturally increase oxytocin levels, meals are crucial. Meals contain nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, and dietary fat that not only help activate the hormones but also promote their proper functioning.
The following list of foods may naturally increase oxytocin levels.
Rich chocolate
Dark chocolate helps the hypothalamus produce oxytocin molecules because it has a lot of magnesium.
Citrus juice
Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that may help raise levels of the hormone linked to love.
Juice consumption may enhance mood and pleasant feelings, encourage healing, and strengthen social bonds.
An egg white
Vitamin D, which is important for oxytocin stimulation, is present in egg whites. Eating egg yolks influences oxytocin levels in both men and women.
The hormone helps males maintain good ovarian function and prevent difficulties during pregnancy, while in females it encourages the synthesis of testosterone and sperm migration.
Tea leaves
Green tea is a fantastic beverage for increasing sexual drive. Three of the mysterious components of green tea—caffeine, theanine, and ginseng—help to raise desire and improve sexual health.
Broccoli has a high vitamin C content. This necessary vitamin promotes the oxytocin synthesis that is necessary for nursing, maternal behavior, romantic partnerships, and interpersonal interactions.
Figs are rich in magnesium. They raise oxytocin levels in the body, which help with sexual function, learning, memory, and the control of pain, tension, and anxiety.
Salmon is an oily fish that is high in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. This mollusk naturally increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, which may aid in stress management, birth facilitation, mother behavior, and maintaining cerebral blood flow.
Chia seeds
In addition to assisting in the control of cholesterol levels, saturated fats naturally raise oxytocin levels. Chia seeds, which are high in dietary lipids, may help with the symptoms of oxytocin deficiency, such as social interactions, stress, and mood swings.
The action and release of bananas aid oxytocin. Magnesium, the primary component in hormone release, is found in bananas. Oxytocin is beneficial for treating a variety of mental conditions, including autism, mood, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders. Modalert 200 Australia can help to improve your Mental alertness.
Berries include antioxidants like vitamin C. Throughout pregnancy, oxytocin promotes the initiation and maintenance of parental behaviors, including grooming and feeding.
Cherry aerials
There is a ton of vitamin C in areola cherries. They promote oxytocin production by activating brain receptors. Oxytocin has the potential to help prevent memory loss and cognitive decline.
Nutty milk
Memory is aided by vitamin D, which is plentiful in soy milk and increases the production of the neurotransmitter oxytocin. The use of soy milk has also been connected to an improvement in sexual behavior and interpersonal interactions.
Extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil, especially extra virgin, has a high dietary fat content. The diet stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like oxytocin, which reduces stress and anxiety, treats joint and muscular pain, and enhances general health.
Animal liver
Beef liver contains significant amounts of vitamin D, a compound that promotes the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin regulates the oxytocin gene and is beneficial for healthy brain function, sexual behavior, and mental illness prevention.
Almonds contain a lot of magnesium. This mineral aids in the healthy functioning and healing of muscles and nerves. Magnesium is necessary for the oxytocin receptors in the body to work properly.
Mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin D. Using mushrooms improves learning, memory, and social behavior while easing mental symptoms and reducing aggressive behavior.
Saturated fats are abundant in margarine and butter.
Oxytocin, which is released when this meal is consumed and helps with social engagement, social functioning, happiness, and healing, is stimulated. Butter aids in the development of a child’s brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system.
Watermelon is sometimes referred to as a “natural Viagra” by researchers because it contains citrulline, an amino acid that may relax and widen blood vessels. by increasing blood flow to the extremities, which increases sexual pleasure.
Men feel more energized because of its high magnesium content, which also reduces inflammation and promotes blood flow.
Black coffee
The caffeine in black coffee encourages neurons to produce oxytocin hormones, which greatly improve emotional response, mood regulation, and energy balance. Yet, daily coffee use could be detrimental to this hormone.
As one of the best plant-based providers of tryptophan, a sleep-inducing amino acid found in turkey, asparagus helps the body produce more serotonin. Also, a study indicated that many people with depression are lacking in the vitamin folate (vitamin B12), which is present in high levels in this food.
Cherry tomatoes
Compared to bigger types, cherry tomatoes have a greater surface area, and tomatoes’ skins contain the phytonutrient lycopene. They boost your lycopene intake and stop the growth of chemicals that encourage inflammation and have been linked to depression by science.
Using herbs like chamomile may also result in a rise in oxytocin levels. The soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities of the chamomile plant are well known. Yet, it could promote the release of more oxytocin. Chamomile includes substances that, according to tests on animals, have comparable effects on the brain and neurological system as anti-anxiety medications. Moreover, studies have found that chamomile naturally increases oxytocin and decreases cortisol.
Everyone has access to the hormone oxytocin, which is also enhanced by ingesting food. Food promotes the creation of the oxytocin hormone by stimulating touch receptors in the tongue.
As food goes into your intestines, a hormone is made that stimulates the vagus nerve and makes your brain make more oxytocin.
This is why eating helps people unwind and feel full, and it often helps them connect with others, create ties, and establish attachments. The obvious problem with this is that it can make you feel like you have to overeat unhealthy foods to make your body make more oxytocin and make you feel better and less anxious.